Thursday 15 September 2011

Planning our product - 15/09/11

I apologise for the lateness of my blogging. There were technical difficulties at my sixth form college that resulted in the loss of computers and internet for the duration of September, October and partially November.

I am working on my A2 media coursework with Daniel Stockton. We had to choose what product we wanted to create and then begin planning our ideas.

Our first idea was to create a short film which would also require a film poster and review. It was called "The 14th Day" and was about a zombie apocalypse, as a result of a virus outbreak, and a group of teens attempting to survive. However we soon realised that we would need too many actors, special effects and it would be very complicated to edit so we changed our product completely.

Our new task is to create a film trailer, film magazine cover featuring our film and a poster for the film. To start with, we began planning what genre our film will be, and what  would happen in it.
We decided to make the genre of our film trailer as 'horror' with the sub-genre being 'slasher'. A slasher film is one that involves a lot of blood, gore and violence and no supernatural or mysterious events - it is usually very close to reality. Before we could decide what would go in the trailer, we had to think up of an entire film so that the trailer will seem more real. We thought up a storyline: a failed magician killed his assistant a long time ago and it caused him to lose his mind, therefore he now scours the country searching for the perfect assistant to accompany him with his act. However, his deranged mind means that he begins to kill each girl, usually in an ironic circumstance such as sawing them in half in a box or throwing knives at them whilst they spin on a giant wheel. Eventually one girl manages to escape, the protagonist, and alerts the authorities so that a chase begins and the magician is caught.
We then created a target audience profile so that we can aim our trailer at a certain type of person that would normally go for this kind of film. This is the profile that we came up with:

Gender: Male
Age: 15-25+ (it's too gory for a young audience - moderate profanities also featured)
Interests: Horror/thriller

As a class we analysed film trailers to give us more of an understanding into how they work. We watched the trailer for 'The A Team" and were given the task of naming the camera angles featured, the content and the genre. We decided that "The A Team" was created for a predominately male audience who enjoy plenty of action, violence and one-liner humour. There were many gun fights, explosions and funny lines within the trailer which is why we came up with this profile. We also noted how the trailer was represented as an action film - it was fast paced, featured lots of explosions, guns and fights, one-liners, close-ups and the music was fast-paced and loud.

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