Thursday 24 November 2011

Focus Group Script - 24/11/11

To help us to understand what our target audience would like to see in our film and whether or not our product is good, we were asked to create a focus group of a few people who fit our target audience. We would then show them our storyboard and tell them our ideas whilst being recorded, then ask them questions surrounding our product. We can then take in their comments and advice and use this feedback to better our product. Our focus group must contain mostly boys as our target audience is mostly male. These boys must be within the age range of 15-25+ and enjoy horror/thriller themes.

UPDATE: 02/03/12

After recording our focus group, issues arose and we needed to transfer our project to a different location. During this process, the audio file for the focus group was lost and is irretrievable. However, to help us with audience feedback, we had written a transcript during the recording. What Daniel and I said is in bold:

Daniel: For our A2 production we are going to do a film trailer in the horror genre, but with a slasher sub-genre in mind. We have got a group of people here to present our ideas to.

Melissa: Our film trailer will be advertising a new slasher horror film named "Black Magic". The storyline of our film is that a failed magician is on a hunt to find the perfect glamourous assistant but kills each girl in the process. First of all, can I ask you if you like the horror genre?

Barney: Yeah, I watch them on a regular basis.

Luke: It's my favourite film genre.

Jodie: I wouldn't normally watch them, but I have enjoyed the one's that I have seen.

Scott: Yeah, I watch them.

Daniel: We've got a storyboard here to present to you to give you an idea of how the final piece is going to look.

Melissa: From looking at our storyboard, what are your initial thoughts on our film trailer?

Jodie: It looks a bit like a psychological style film.

Barney: I can imagine it as a real film, I like the idea.

Scott: I like the 'quick scare' at the end, it would probably make me jump.

Luke: It looks intruiging.

Daniel: Would you be interested in seeing this film in the cinemas?

Luke: Yes, definitely.

Scott: Probably.

Barney: I would give it a go.

Jodie: I'm not sure. It looks good but I'm just not in to horror.

Melissa: From hearing our pitch and seeing our storyboard, what do you think to our overall idea?

Scott: I do like it, it looks eerie.

Luke: It will be different, the magician idea is unique.

Jodie: It looks like a real trailer so yeah.

Barney: Maybe there should be more magician style objects within the trailer, like a box that he uses in his acts and things.

Daniel: What improvements would you suggest to make the final production better?

Jodie: Like what Barney just said, add more of a magician feel.

Barney: Yeah.

Luke: I like it but not the way the title screen font is, with the lightbulbs. It needs to look scarier, less glamourous.

Scott: I like it all, I'm not sure what to say to that question.

Melissa: Thank you for taking part.

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