Thursday 15 March 2012

Feedback - 15/03/12

In today's lesson we decided to get some feedback on our product so far, as we had practically finished editing the trailer, aside from the monologue and sound effects, and our poster was complete. We set up the trailer, turned the volume up and let our fellow classmates and teacher watch it, asking for honest opinions and constructive critisism so that we may be able to apply any advise they had to offer.

After the screening, we recieved very positive feedback as a response, with comments such as "palpable tension", "very good lighting" and "brillantly shot". There was no critisism for our trailer, which we were very pleased about. A few were particular amazed by our title screen, where the words "Black Magic" melt away like blood. Now all we have to do is record a voice over for the monologue and add in the sound effects of footsteps and a muffled cry; after this, our film trailer should be completed and we can then concentrate on the magazine cover.

We have been working on the film poster throughout the lessons where we were unable to edit. Fortunetly during today's lesson we were able to finish the development of said poster. It has a black background, with half of our villains face made up in words and the other half fading to black to give a 'floating head' effect. "Black Magic" is in large text below this image in dark red, and the actors names are above this in white. Below the title is the smallprint, in white, the font of which took us ten minutes to find and perfect - we wanted to look as professional as possible, and all the smallprint on film posters is the same font, no matter what the genre. We then added "DM Productions" logo and the age certificate of "15 (some scenes of graphic violence)" at the very bottom, with "coming soon" in red also at the bottom. We asked for feedback, as well as suggestions for what the tagline should be. We already had "a hell of a show" in mind, but we wanted to know what our peers thought.

We were given two suggestions; for our tagline to be "it's going to be one hell of a show" or simply just "one hell of a show". In the end, we went for the former, and put it in red at the very top of the film poster, above the image of the villains face. It was also suggested by one person that we have a different image of the villain, where he has his top hat on and is pulling it down at an angle, but as no one else thought that our original image looked bad, we decided to ignore this advice. We want to keep our poster simple, just like our trailer and magazine will be, and so there may be such a thing as too much if we change the image to the one suggested.

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