Thursday 22 March 2012

Preparing for Evalution - 22/03/12

In today's lesson our teacher gave us all a sheet of paper with four questions on it. These questions, when answered, will be our evalution for our coursework. We were told to begin writing up drafts of answers for these questions so that we can later blog our full evaluation. These questions are:

1. In what ways dos your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The questions will require a lot of thought and detail in order for my evalution to be addressed fully. We were also given a sheet with a checklist to help us to organise what we have and have not done. The checklist was split into different categories: planning, main product, ancillary texts and evaluation. Each of these categories has a checklist below it. For planning, the checklist consists of: initial ideas, initial research into similiar products, focus group findings, storyboards, drafts and powerpoint slideshow. I can tick all of these except for focus group findings. Main product has only one item on the list, obviously, and that is the fully edited video. I cannot yet tick this. Under ancillary texts is: poster, website, magazine cover and radio advertisement. Only two of these apply to us and that's poster and magazine cover. We can tick of poster, but have not yet completed the magazine cover. We cannot tick off anything from under the evaluation category, as this is audience feedback which we can only get after the video is completed and premiered, and the answers to the four questions I mentioned above. I haven't started these questions yet.

The majority of the checklist has been ticked off, so I am well on my way to completeing my A2 Media coursework.

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