Saturday 10 March 2012

Reshoot - 10/03/12

Due to the problems with lighting that I mentioned in my last blog, we had to refilm the 'walking' scene with the villain. We decided that rather than filming in the same location and attempting to block out the light, we should think up a new location and luckily we found one - the drama hall within school. With the curtains pulled across, the main lights off and a spotlight focussed on our villain, it looked very atmospheric and the curtains added to the 'magician' feel. This new performance stage feel that the drama hall gave us meant that we were able to experiement with new ideas such as filming our villain flipping a coin in a menacing manner or walking through the closed cutains like a ghost. Of course, these ideas would be tested later on in editing.

Again, the lighting wasn't perfect. The spotlight was too bright and we weren't able to darken the area any further without the camera being unable to pick up any footage. Daniel and I will fix this in editing using lighting effects. Now, with all our filming completed, we have a very small checklist to consider:
  • Record the monologue
  • Add sound effects
  • Edit everything together
After all of this is finished, our media production should be finished.

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